Articles > 京都文化博物館の猫展は、6/11までです!At the Museum of Kyoto, the exhibition about cats is until the 11th of June !


京都文化博物館の猫展は、6/11までです!At the Museum of Kyoto, the exhibition about cats is until the 11th of June !

jeudi 8 juin 2017

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Kimono rental customers went to the exhibition and sent me their pictures. With a obi and a yukata with cat patterns it seemd they were popular ! Everyone who likes cat, please, enjoy the yukata with cat pattern. Thank you.

Des clientes du service de location de kimono sont allees a l’exposition sur les chats au musee de Kyoto  et m’ont envoyees leurs photos. Portant un obi et un yukata avec des motifs de chats elles ont eu du succes. Merci.

